Documenting de Pfeffel Johnson’s luxury Christmas holiday on the island of Mustique was something I felt compelled to do. The British press certainly weren’t going to publish anything negative about this post-election sojourn to an exclusive Caribbean island – and the forelock-tuggers would merely wish him well – so I created what was initially going to be a three-part series; on the beach, New Years Eve celebration and finally a pool party.

As news came in on of the assassination of Qasem Soleimani – and imminent commencement of World War III – I thought I may have to curtail the theme early, as the PM would surely be cutting his holiday short and returning home to provide reassuring leadership to a concerned British public. Obviously I needn’t have worried, as true-to-form, de Pfeffel Johnson had no intention of leaving the luxury Caribbean island before he had to – another benefit of being completely beyond reproach from his supporters or the right-wing press. Remaining where he was at least allowed me to create a fourth composition (the flight home).

The backdrops I used for this series are all from the 70s or early 80s – an approach I often take, for aesthetic and hauntology purposes and also to allude to the subjects regressive desires to go back to when Britain/USA was great (basically less diverse). The response to the finished images has been amazing and the feedback/comments genuinely means so much to me. I am very fortunate to be able to channel my despair into my art and am so grateful for all the missives and insights I receive from so many wonderful people.